Well, first of all, we need to clarify. There is no Chinese language. For all extents and purposes for all of you here in Vancouver, all you really need to remember is: I speak Mandarin AND Cantonese.
When I say that I buy and sell Vancouver real estate in English, French, Mandarin and Cantonese, it stirs some debate. Some of my Twitter and Google+ followers say that it imperative that new immigrants to Canada speak English.
So I'll add this.
BC welcomes everyone. And I am sure anyone coming here would love to learn. There are language courses, FREE language courses, that new immigrants can take once they arrive.
The point is moot, anyway, most of my clients speak English as a second language.
However. If you were going to buy a piece of property, wouldn't you prefer that the transaction was carried out in your first language? There is comfort in speaking your mother tongue. Also, the style of business changes from one culture to the next. I understand the differences between North American and Asian customs. My clients appreciate that I am familiar with their way.

Good points but they should enroll start up "English" classes in China and HK before they come to Canada, less burden on the taxpayer why should I pay for their "English" there are many places in China and Hong Kong to learn "English" They do not pay for my Mandarin or Cantonese lessons in Hong Kong or China, why is the burden put on Canadian Citizens pay. I did not ask you to come to Canada in the first place!
ReplyDeleteThe other issue what are Chinese going to do coming to Canada and having their child born here and find out legislation is in the works to stop those babies born on Canadian soil to get automatic Citizenship. This scam is going to end and about time. They may not need to by a house they will have to go back and apply again to Canada, Is this a issue Chinese Real Estate agents will have to deal with in the future.
ReplyDeleteI am curious why you think it is the responsibility of real estate agents to inform new immigrants. As it is now, there are no laws barring them from buying here if they do not speak the language. It is a matter of debate whether this a good law or not, but it is how it is. Currently, there is no legislation about the births either. Immigration consultants are the front line - they can only inform as to what is currently in effect. Everyone else (real estate agents included) are more second line, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteYou have a diligence under the Real Estate Act to inform your clients about anything they may not have knowledge about has nothing to do with law it something you pass on, no one is going to tell you what to do just use some common sense, can Chinese not think for themselves or do they have to be told what to do, this is a service you should do without being told. I also said to day from Jason Kenney this birth business is going! to be considered right now, no legislation is has been pass, but this what we need in Canada. Next Provincial Election we will have restrictions in place for foreign owners, other cities and states have these laws now, we need them in BC asap!
DeleteAs a Conservative Voter, Reform Member, ex BC Liberal soon to join the BC Conservatives what do I want as a Canadian Citizen lets review 1. end to permanent residents must a be citizen before you can live in Canada just like the USA before you can live for extended period of time 2. End of dual passports except those that live in North America and for North Americans only 3. The end of multiculturalism which most of the immigrants do not like either, source Globe and Mail live chat in Jan 2012 4. Changes to Real Estate Act in BC, more restrictions who can be a real estate agent in BC it is to easy and the average income in this industry to this day is still $14,000 per year, No Part Time Agents. Stricter Exam which can be done in English only. Did I miss anything Poon?
ReplyDeleteWho is Ken Lawson you ask: Ken Lawson is a retired professionally trained Investment Adviser who was licensed under the Securities Commission of BC to sell securities and sell investments in the Real Estate Sector of BC my clients in total 250 were immigrant women and some well to do males. In early days as BC Sales Manager for Fortune 500 and TSE 60 Companies in Canada
ReplyDeleteEx BC Liberal Conservative Voter (Reform Member) a BC Conservative supporter!
It is every Vancouver real estate agents job to inform their clients of the laws, of course. However, we cannot advise them of laws that do not exist (even if you want them to exist soon). That doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteWe should not have to have laws but if these people (Chinese) do not have common sense (then we need laws), it does not make sense either if your coming to a English French speaking country which is the law by the way. Other languages ( not official) do not exist in law and never will
DeleteThe ones that you have sold to are they coming to be Canadians or to live like Chinese, we want those that receive citizenship to live like Canadians first not Chinese, that is fair do you not think this our country Canada or did you not think of Canadians having these rights like I said get your booklet "Discover Canada" Rights and Responsibilities of Canadian Citizenship and learn something while you sit doing nothing
This is the beauty of Canada as a Canadian Citizen you have to the right to suggest or make laws, not forced upon you like in Hong Kong and China (Government wing nuts and communist), which is truly dysfunctional place since I lived there to play professional golf on the Asia Tour. The market is so small you can count the number of stocks your hand, I never want to got back again, you cannot trust anyone!
DeleteThey will exist soon when my party becomes government, off course they do exist now but will in the next government of BC yes Anthea that is why I'm a Conservative, BC Conservative we want these laws to protect Canadian Citizens not renters of Canada(Permanent Residents)anyways just watched Tony Ma on BNN (1:30 PM Pacific) (Home Life Reality in Toronto a Chinese Realtor 20% of his business comes from offshore buyers from China, new rules will not affect them because they pay cash, he was asked did offshore buyers cause prices to rise he said NO do you believe him and if not who did? He did admit lack of English skills by these buyers is a problem and something must be done about it. I suggest mandatory before they can buy! What do you think English Verbal Testing will start on July 1st 2012 before you can be a citizen this law now source Jason Kenney, I get his e-mails on a regular basics
ReplyDeleteThis is my finest Question and requires a truthful answer China in 2010 as reported in the globe and mail, Chinese news service 20,000 Chinese Official stole 18 billion dollars from the Chinese Communist Government they left for places like Canada, do you know any Chinese Real Estate Agents who may have sold to these people under fraudulent and false identity which is common in China.
ReplyDeleteWhy I'm I the only one posting where are your clients to put up a rebuttal I guess they are not used to democracy yet have to be led by the hand, you know you can lead them to water but cannot make them drink!
ReplyDeleteIf you call Telus, BC Hydro and Shaw in Vancouver you will notice that Cantonese is a language choice before French. It is a sign of the times. Soon Census forms will be accepted in Cantonese and Mandarin (probably Hindi as well). I think it is only a matter of time before the Chinese languages become a part of our official languages here in Canada.
ReplyDeleteYou still have not responded what is your favorite Chinese food restaurant in Vancouver, I eat with Chop Sticks you know and a spoon, I have been to Dim Sum many times. ha ha
DeleteLets put it another way it will not happen in your life time, would you like to place bet, I have set the odds at 85-1
DeleteChong Qing on Commercial and 12th. But it's closed for renos until August 4th.
DeleteStrange. There's a stop work order there now.
DeleteShaw can do what it wants, these services do not bother me, but back to Real Estate, I would prefer that you have to a Canadian Citizen before you can buy property in Canada, like the USA and also the Philippines, I know by experience, also all developers must be Canadian Citizens there are to many wing nut properties out there I would not not touch a 50 ft pole. Actually the properties I have bought were on foreclose sells by the Banks, the second was Greentree Village in Burnaby by the Dion group (1982) the same year I went to China and Asia to play professional golf, have you ever been to the Royal Hong Kong Golf & Country Club in Fanling now called the Hong Kong Golf Club or the group of the late head of the Olympic games. No never go for that not Official you do not know there are many places where Chinese do not exist, your dreaming, your only 1% of of the population you do not have the Voters, English Canada do not even like French (bilingualism and multiculturalism) you need to travel Canada first.
ReplyDeleteGo for Chinese being official you will have a war on your hands average Canadian and the Chinese looking Canadian will not accept this, one mistake you must forget many Canadian born who look Chinese are more aggressive about their Canadian citizenship and do not like China Chinese, I found that out one day talking to one!
ReplyDeleteAnother important thing you have missed out on , Permanent Residents do not have any rights to set policy in Canada at any level, they must be Canadian Citizens and how can become a Canadian Citizen if they cannot pass a English Verbal Test starting on July 1st, 2012?
ReplyDeleteEither way, I think my ads must make more sense to you now. The reason I say 'English. French. Mandarin. Cantonese. Square Footage. I speak your language' is because 1. If you are selling in Vancouver - the market is still strong - and you can walk away with a massive profit on your investment if you sell to the right buyers. Right now, Asians are buying. Knowing their language helps. So pick a Chinese realtor in Vancouver that speaks those languages. 2. If you are thinking of buying in Vancouver, a Chinese speaking realtor can help you find the best property that reflects cultural interests. As a Vancouver-based local, I know the city. I think some of your points are interesting, and you are very passionate about the idea of keeping Canada English First - but I deal in the reality of the situation - and that the buyers out there speak English Second. Not to say they don't speak English, many of them do, just that, for them, it is preferable to conduct massive business deals (like million dollar homes) - in a language they are comfortable in. I am sure you would feel the same. Most of my buyers would jump at the chance to improve their English for themselves and their families - even before they come to Canada.
ReplyDeleteThe idea is that they must speak English first that is not our idea of coming to Canada, forget this second language business, everyone must speak English first,changes coming. Why are you people always confused of what is expected of you when you enter Canada, English must be your first language while in the country, that is the purpose of the free ESL programs, we must go further you must learn English before immigrants come to Canada!
DeleteKen, please don't say 'you people'. It sounds hostile.
DeleteWhat happens on Canada Day 1. all skilled workers and professionals under the Provincial Nominee program must pass a verbal English test (can you pass the test) 2. Immigrant Investor program has been terminated, meaning you can no longer buy your way into Canada (This has been a scam right from the get go!3. All applications have been terminated and all fees paid returned. 4. I get a raise
ReplyDeleteWhere do you work?
DeleteOh yes I forgot we Canadian Citizens deal in reality every day of the year, you should try it Your a very very small segment of the economy and real estate industry
ReplyDeleteAnthea are you telling me if you were not born here you are not putting Canada first, It obvious you did not pay attention to the throne speech that Harper gave telling immigrants you must put Canada first, that means you put the official languages first and your languages (second)in your case (Chinese languages Mandarin and Cantonese)Who the hell do you thinks is working on these changes to clean up the mess by the Liberals under Jean Chretien, us Canadian Citizens that is why more changes are coming we are working on it now and same for the Provincial Election coming. Have you joined a Political Party yet?
ReplyDeleteAnother thing you have over looked, I have no idea if your a Canadian citizen or not, if your not, it does not matter what you think what matters is what Canadian Citizens think regardless of where they come from! That's the law of Canada, Have you got your cope of "Discover Canada" from Immigration Canada it is also free!
ReplyDeleteThis is my country, Ken. Don't worry about me.
DeleteWere you down at the protest to day with all of 100 people ?
ReplyDeleteWhat protest?
DeleteWhere do you find the time to write so much? I try to answer these when I get a chance.