Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese Realtor in Vancouver

It's one thing to sell your house.

It's a whole other thing to get the best possible price.

Most people don't sell property very many times in their life. So the whole process can be daunting. Often, by making a sale in a hurry, they'll leave a lot of money on the table. It can be tens of thousands of dollars.

That is why it is essential to have an experienced realtor in your corner when it comes to the sale of your Vancouver real estate.

In Vancouver, some of the biggest buyers of real estate are the Chinese from Hong Kong and Mainland China. You need a Chinese realtor in Vancouver that speaks not only English, but Mandarin, Cantonese and even French.

This is where I come into play. I speak all four languages. I understand Chinese culture, and how they negotiate, and I can be a valuable asset in the sales (and buying) process.

If you are looking to sell - and you want the most money you can possibly get for your real estate, then you will need a Chinese real estate agent in Vancouver - like me.

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